
Warhammer 40k 8th edition rules update
Warhammer 40k 8th edition rules update

(Mortal Wounds deal damage that rolls over.Ĭharge (only units that did not advance or fall back) Choose a Unit within 12” of a target enemy unit. Mortal Wounds need no wound rolls only hit. Damage – Each Wound deals damage equal to the weapons value. IF it has an Invulnerable Save you may use this, no AP or cover. If the unit is ENTIRELY in cover, +1 to save. Take Save number and subtract Armor Penetration. Roll Saves (1 always fails) Grenade # - 1 model from a unit may throw a. Assign successful wounds, one at a time to models. Compare to Wound chart for target number. Wound (if a mortal wound was inflicted assign damage no saves) Rapid Fire # – double number of shots if Roll 1d6 for each hit. Each die that is equal or greater than your BS is a hit. Assault # - May fire after advancing, with a 2. Characters may only be targeted if they are the closest unit. Each model may fire their weapons at different targets. unit IF an enemy unit is within 1” of the c. Or if target is within 1” of another friendly unit. Pistol # – May be fired at the closest enemy b. May not shoot if unit is within 1” of an enemy. (the # following the type is the number of shots) a. If the Psycher is killed by this all units o This may only be attempted once per manifested power. o May only be attempted by each Psyker once per turn (Unless specified). Double 1s or 6s Psychers Psyker, may roll 2d6 if the roll is higher, the power is blocked! suffers d3 mortal wounds.

warhammer 40k 8th edition rules update

Perils of the Warp  Deny the Witch – An enemy Psyker within 24” of the active 1. Roll 2d6, if the roll is equal or greater than the target this succeeds. mortal wounds, if 11+ was rolled, 1d6 mortal wounds. Smite – Target Number 5 - 18” – Closest visible unit - 1d3 a. Psychic All Psychers may use this attack 1. Move the unit normally, but it may not shoot, advance, or assault. Fall Back –If the unit is within 1” of an enemy model before moving, it may only “fall back”. Move Values ‘X-Y’ must move at least X” up to Y” 1, remove a model from play.  Before the Transport moves, models may disembark Within 3” And may still shoot after Falling Back o When destroyed – Roll 1d6 for each model inside. Fly – This model ignores all terrain when moving. May not move through walls/terrain unless  Ending within 3”, models may embark inside.  Capacity – number of models it may carry. Standard – Models move UP TO their Move value. I think with points coming back in AoS they won't get rid of them for 40k, but otherwise I think it would be a huge improvement to just cut out all the fat with 40k, and also allow for focus on skirmish level gaming like AoS did.Transports 1. I haven't bought a single thing for 7th edition as far as rules or books go, but I'd be the first to line up for 8th if it means an AoS style overhaul. However, I know we'll get a lot more games on 40k in with simpler rules. I almost started AoS simply because I loved the simplicity of the rules, but I couldn't get my friends to play, so I gave up on that idea. I think I've played maybe 3 games of 40k since 6th edition. Maybe, but I know there's a lot of players that simply don't have the time or desire to keep up with all the codexes and expansions and campaigns that add layer upon layer of stuff. Yes, yes, YES! But I think we may be in the minority on that desire. Heck, even if it's just AoS with points, that'll do. If 8E is even a half-step to what AoS was, it will be a great improvement in playability. 7th is a bloated mess with far too many Special Rules, so streamlining the game would be a good thing.Īlso, AoS didn't go far enough, even though it went farther than many GW players were willing to accept. Don't get me wrong, I still really enjoy the game, but it does require a good deal of houseruling and player-made balancing even after the FAQ. With all the errata, 7th is starting to look like it's being held together by duct tape, hope, and rhino saliva. It might actually be better to have a shiny new edition with all the clarifications made with the FAQ. It really depends on how much they want to change right now. It may not necessarily be a bad thing (other than the cost, which does suck) if they're changing the game in meaningful ways for the better, beyond the recent FAQ stuff. As pissed as I was with the 6th to 7th transition, I still bought the 7th ed rulebooks, and would probably do the same with 8th. I see the logic in your skepticism, but at the same time they may see 8th edition as an opportunity to monetize the FAQ/errata-fest going on right now.


A full rules update with FAQs and Errata would be likely (and welcome) as we officially move into Warhammer 40,000 7.5

warhammer 40k 8th edition rules update

EnTyme wrote: I don't anticipate a full 8th Edition any time soon, not after the backlash of how short-lived 6th Edition was.

Warhammer 40k 8th edition rules update