I went to the help menu and clicked on ‘Check for Upgrades’ and did the upgrade. However another problem popped up. When I up graded to 12.49.

Subject: RE: Parking the antenna Great idea wish I had thought of that. This is all. Codrut - YO3DMU From: "'Julio Peralta' " and press the "2" button from the first line (Create / Update).
#Antenna font family upgrade#
To: Re: Parking the antenna To upgrade a second instance go in the main instance to Help -> Multiple Instances. Subject: RE: Parking the antenna Did as you said and received ‘run-time error ‘70’ Permission denied Julio From: Saturday, Octo3:33 PM To: Re: Parking the antenna You must close the second instance before to try to upgrade it from the main instance. Codrut From: "'Julio Peralta' " Subject: RE: Parking the antenna I get the same error… Julio From: Saturday, Octo5:04 PM To: Re: Parking the antenna Restart the PC, open only the main instance, and try again. Codrut - YO3DMU From: "'Julio Peralta' " Subject: RE: Parking the antenna I get the same error message… Julio From: Sunday, Octo1:32 AM

(this will create again the PstRotatorAz2 folder and will copy there all the necessary files)- put back in the PstRotatorAz2 folder the PstRotatorAz.ini file CodrutFrom: "'Julio Peralta' " To: Re: Parking the antenna It could be something related to rights.You can try this:- move the PstRotatorAz.ini file from the PstRotatorAz2 folder in other place (just to not have to set again the second instance)- delete the PstRotatorAz2 folder- in the main instance press the "2" button from Help -> Multiple Instances. I just noticed that the paths are not the same! "C:\Program Files (x86)\PstRotatorAz\PstRotatorAz.exe” C:\PstRotatorAz2\PstRotatorAz2.exe Could this be the problem? Julio From: Sunday, Octo8:26 AM You need only to copy all the content of the PstRotatorAz folder in the PstRotatorAz2 folder, and change the name of the exe file from PstRotatorAz.exe to PstRotatorAz2.exe. By the way, to create a second instance can be made manually.